Photo Booth Experts participated in the wedding reception of Jessica & Matthew. The night was a huge success and as a bonus we came away with a new and exciting idea that we would like to pass on to you. Instead of the traditional or “Dollar” dance often seen at receptions, Jessica & Matthew decided to have a
“Dollar Photo Booth”.
How it works is just like the “Dollar” dance where a person pays a dollar (or more) to have a dance with the bride or groom during the reception. The only difference is that with the “Dollar Photo Booth” instead of a dance the guest(s) can pay to go into the photo booth with the bride and groom to get a personalized strip of pictures taken. The guest gets a copy and of course the bride and groom get a copy as well. Talk about your ultimate party favor. These photos become a wonderful keepsake for the guests and the bride and groom.
The fact is that a lot of brides and grooms will shy away from a money dance because it can slow things down and take time away from open dancing. As a result they are afraid guest will get bored and leave during a money dance.
Now you can have the best of both worlds. With the
“Dollar Photo Booth” nothing in the evening has to slow down. People who want a picture can pay their dollar and join the bride and groom in the photo booth while at the same time the dance floor stays open for dancing.
Thanks for reading this and best wishes with all your party planning!
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
Dollar Photo Booth |
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